Monday, March 19, 2012

Game Update and thoughts...

First off, go over to wizards and see what Mike M. is talking about this week.  Then, if you want, look at Joseph's thought here.

I'll wait, playing Bubble Witch Saga on Facebook...seriously, why is this game addicting, Bubble Trouble was awesome!  This isn't as good, and yet...

And...we are back...
I agree with Joseph on many of the points that he raised.  The main issue that Mike is bringing up with "balance" and the like is, I think, for the neophyte DM.  Those who want to step into, or are thrust into, the DM seat.  The players are hungry for an adventure, your DM from last week is on a DMing hiatus because of a massive game he finished last week.  And, you want to take over and start a game.  Some are intimidated by that prospect and the help that Mike is offering is something that could sate players for a time.  Yet, I am sure many of those who have taken up the mantle of DM find that the modules and formula soon gets boring and we strike out on our own, trying things that might blow up in our face or cause a TPK.  But we learn, and if we are smart we redesign and put more effort into the next session of the campaign.

So, while I agree that this whole "balance" thing is a little silly, it isn't all that bad.  I don't believe in it.  I think there are times when something comes up that the PCs can't handle what that DM throws at them and they need to run.  Yet, for those new to the game, there is an adjustment to being in the DM seat.

And, even with me and running games for as long as I have, granted it isn't as long as some people even in my own gaming group but I digress, I am always looking for new things to do in dungeons and the like.

In the game that, at the moment, is a solo game with a buddy of mine I was running Death Frost Doom.  There was his character, an elven ranger and an NPC halfling thief.  For those unfamiliar or currently running this module, please skip to the end.  For those who have run it, you can cut-n-paste of highlight the following section:

The ranger came to the "plant" before room 22 and when he was close, the thing reacted since he had a torch.  The NPC, seizing on an oppurtunity, dashes through the gap, grabbed what he needed and had the ranger threaten the "plant" again to cause a gap.

I have been grappling with what I had the thief do, to some extent.  Part of me thinks I might have taken something away from the ranger playing.  Yet, at the same time, there was no Vomit Forth of Hell.  I'm not asking, "Did I run the module 'right?'" Because there is no wrong way to run it.

One thing I have discovered about running this game is, I want to do more gaming.  Very soon, I think I will restart my G+ game soon.  Thinking of running two different games.  One set near where my current player is running his ranger.  Redthorne Keep.  The other one I might restart, or ret-con, back in the main starting area I had for the G+ group.

But one thing I am really starting to think will be cool is to try a Torch&Sixgun game.  Just something that drifts into my conscious now and then.  A Wild West and Weird game.

And, finally, there is a game that I heard about that really sounds cool and I want to either get in on it or take a spin myself and try it is the game Zak S. talks about here.

And, I hope to try and get more blog posts in, yet that is as always, something I say very often.


  1. It sounds like you are having trouble because you think the NPC did too much, is that correct? Whats important that the player believes the world (and the NPC) and is engaged with the action. What keeps the interest of players is tension, and an experience of accomplishment. Now, if your player wasn't driving the action, that would be an issue.

  2. In a way, the NPC might have done to much. Yet, from the way the player reacted and the way he has continued, he likes the game and didn't feel like I took something from him. It could just be I am in my own head after the game. I over-analyze everything when it comes to running a game.
